Over 15 million FREE songs & videos and over 4 million original high quality songs licensed from the record labels. oin iMesh - the ultimate P2P file sharing community, that's 100% legal! Listen to your iMesh songs on your iPod Classic and Nano, Meet new people, share music and import your personalized MySpace page, Dig your favorite artists, get playlists and albums of all the new artists. "Imesh is the longest standing P2P service in the world. Work on iMesh began in 1998, with the introduction of the first iMesh in 1999 - slightly after the original Napster. Imesh Imeshre the first to introduce many technologies to the P2P world, such as multi source downloads (known today as Swarming), effective resumes, video downloads, offline searches and more. In July 2004, Imesh made history being the first (and thus far the only) file sharing service to announce an agreement with the US major record labels. Today, Imesh is leading the revolution once again, being the first company to offer authorized file sharing service. This new service blends free file sharing with authorized content, a vibrant community and more."
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